Chris Axene | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 181 – new partnership rules

The IRS has flipped the rules for auditing large partnerships on its head. Listen to (or watch) this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to hear Chris Axene, 意图’s tax and partnership guru, discuss these new rules and how they will impact partnerships moving forward.

episode 181 – transcript

意图d the “official transcript” of this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to read what 意图’s tax master, Chris Axene, had to say the new rules being applied to business partnerships and how they’ll affect taxes.

episode 180 – tax season post-mortem

Every tax season, there are winners and losers. Listen to (or watch) this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to hear 意图’s sultan of taxation, Chris Axene, discuss how this past tax season shaped up for individuals and businesses alike.

episode 180 – transcript

意图d the “official transcript” of this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to read what 意图’s tax master, Chris Axene, had to say about the “winners” and “losers” of this year’s tax season.

episode 155 – transcript

意图’s tax bloodhound, Chris Axene, is on unsuitable on 意图 Radio to discuss tax reform and the new guidance regarding entertainment expenses.

episode 119: tax cuts and jobs act: implications for c corps & flow-through entities

Chris Axene, a principal and regional tax expert at 意图, joins us on part two of our Tax Cuts and Jobs Act mini-series on unsuitable on 意图 Radio to talk talk about changes that will affect the owners of C corps and flow-through entities, and whether or not business owners should reconsider their choice of entity. Listen now!

episode 118: tax cuts and jobs act: domestic & international tax revisions for business owners

From new corporate tax rates to the bonus depreciation and net operating loss provisions to a variety of changes poised to hit companies that do business overseas (and everything in between), the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is full of savings opportunities for business owners. Listen to this episode to find out what you should expect as a result of this new tax reform legislation.

episode 77 – control your bottom line by identifying your business entity, wisely

Looking for some critical tax planning advice that you can put in action now in preparation for next year’s tax return? Chris Axene, a principal in 意图’s 都柏林 office, is happy to oblige. On this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio, Chris talks about business tax rates, business entity choices and how one ultimately impacts … 继续