Doug Houser | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
Oct 12, 2023

6th Annual Construction Kickoff

Rea & Associates is proud to present the 6th Annual Construction Kickoff on Friday, January 26, 2024. Joined by Overmyer Hall, this free, in-person event will provide you with high-level updates, open discussions and exclusive content for business leaders in the construction industry. You can expect a glimpse into the current and future considerations of the construction industry regarding tax, insurance, liability and more!
Jul 25, 2023

Construction Project Cost Management: Maximizing Efficiency and Profitability 

In the realm of construction projects, effective cost management is vital for success. Keeping expenses under control, accurately tracking costs, and ensuring profitability are key objectives for construction companies. Fortunately, there are several techniques and tools available to aid in this endeavor.
Dec 15, 2022

Why Accounting is an Investment and Not a Cost

In my 30+ years in the industry, too often I’ve witnessed owners that treat the accounting and finance function of their business only as an expense or cost center.
Mar 18, 2022

An In-Depth Look at the Construction Forecast for 2022

Experts foresee compound annual growth across almost all construction segments, particularly, water supply, S&WD and transportation.
Dec 3, 2021

4th Annual Construction Kickoff

Rea & Associates is proud to present the 4th Annual Construction Kickoff on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, at The Ohio State University Fawcett Center. Joined by Overmyer Hall and Kegler Brown, this free, in-person event will provide you with high-level updates, open discussions, and exclusive content for business leaders in the construction industry. You can … Continued
Sep 21, 2021

3rd Annual Fall Construction Risk Update

Learn more about the upcoming 3rd Annual Fall Construction Risk Update on September 30th.
Feb 18, 2021

PPP 2.0: Frequently Asked Questions

Find out what other business owners and nonprofit leaders are asking about PPP 2.0.
Jan 15, 2021

7 Steps Construction And Real Estate Professionals Need To Take In 2021

Steps you can take to secure your business in the New Year.
Dec 18, 2020

3rd Annual Construction Industry Kickoff

How will your construction company fare in 2021? Attend this free webinar featuring industry experts and paint a clearer picture.
Oct 20, 2020

Are You Aware Of These 5 Construction Industry Risks?

Five business risks the construction industry faces and what you can do to protect your business.
Oct 1, 2020

It’s Time To Reassess

The best business owners can make lemonade out of lemons. This year, COVID-19 has certainly left a bitter taste in our mouths. It's time to grab some sugar, water, and a spoon!
Aug 10, 2020

Elements Of Risk In Construction

Hear from leading construction industry experts and thought leaders about today's elements of risk in the construction industry.
Jul 13, 2020

An Update On The Construction Industry & COVID-19 – OSCPA

"Overall, I think the results for the industry for 2020 will be quite good. The concern comes as we look forward into 2021" - Doug Houser
Jul 6, 2020

PPP Application Deadline Extension Gives Businesses 5 More Weeks

Were you hoping for some more time to apply for a PPP loan? You may get your wish!
Jul 2, 2020

Recent PPP Guidance Requires Nuance – OSCPA

The Ohio Society of CPAs recently sat down with SBA & PPP Expert Doug Houser to talk about the updated PPP Guidance. Read what he had to say.
Jun 1, 2020

Federal Reserve’s New Main Street Loan Instructions Set The Stage For Opening Up The Program

Find out more about the Main Street Lending Program and the rules associated with this initiative.
May 15, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? Navigating PPP Forgiveness & Certification Guidance

Need help navigating PPP loan forgiveness? Looking for certification guidance? This on-demand webinar will point you in the right direction.
May 11, 2020

Summary of CARES Act and FFCRA provisions

Register for this free webinar featuring a complete summary of the CARES Act and FFCRA provisions.
Apr 16, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? Navigating Your Banking Relationships & PPP Loan Forgiveness

Doug Houser, Paul McEwan, and Matt Long team up for an interactive discussion about banking relationships and the PPP Loan Forgiveness program. Listen in now!
Mar 26, 2020

How COVID-19 Is Impacting The Construction Industry

Businesses are being forced to shut down as COVID-19 spreads throughout the country. But the construction industry remains an essential business. Learn how this crisis is impacting the construction industry.
Sep 27, 2019

There Are Risks In Growth

Did You Know: Construction companies are more likely to run into trouble during periods of extraordinary growth than during an economic slowdown.
Sep 23, 2019

Best Financial Indicators Of A Healthy Construction Company

We're sharing 15 key financial indicators to indicate whether your company is financially fit.
Aug 28, 2019

How Can You Win If You Don’t Keep Score?

How long are you waiting for vital financial information?
Jul 29, 2019

episode 195 – risky business

Wondering what you can do to limit risk in your business? This episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio will reveal some great ways to protect your biggest asset.
Jul 22, 2019

episode 194 – changing of the guard

Move over Dave ... Doug Houser is looking to take over your mic!
Jul 18, 2019

Knowledge Transfer

If business and client relationship knowledge is wrapped up with one (or a few) key individual(s), your business is at risk.
Jun 12, 2019

How To Lay The Foundation For Transition

Exit Planning For Construction Companies Ten years ago, I spent a great deal of time counseling construction clients about the best tools to survive and mitigate risk. Now, 10 years after the “Great Recession,” I find that a lot of my conversations are centering on succession. These days, more owners appear to be thinking about … Continued
May 2, 2019

Data Analytics & Construction

You no longer have to be a billion dollar a year company to utilize data.
Apr 4, 2019

It’s Okay To Pay Taxes

While spending money simply to avoid taxes can be sub-optimal, there's a more important reason this can prove problematic ...
Mar 7, 2019

Collaboration Is King

Work smarter, not harder. Get your service providers together for a yearly meeting.
Feb 8, 2019

Getting To Know The Bank Financing Structure

How well do you understand your bank's financing structure? This article should help.
Jan 21, 2019

Tax Reform, Trade Turbulence & More …

Wondering what the year ahead looks like for construction and real estate market? Here's a look from a national perspective.
Jan 11, 2019

Benchmarking & Beyond

Want to build a better business? Performance benchmarking could be the best place to start.
Dec 3, 2018

episode 162 – if you build it, they will come

2019 will bring many new laws and regulations to the construction and real estate industry. Make sure your ready for these changes by listening to Doug Houser on this episode on unsuitable on Rea Radio!
Dec 3, 2018

episode 162 – transcript

Read the "official transcript" of this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio as Doug Houser is with Dave once again, but this time he discusses the construction industry and what to expect in the years ahead.
Nov 26, 2018

episode 161 – better banking relationships… or bust!

Building banking relationships will help your business maintain success. Listen to Rea's banking expert, Doug Houser, on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to learn more!
Nov 26, 2018

episode 161 – transcript

Read the "official transcript" of this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio as Doug Houser, Rea's director of construction and real estate services, discusses how to build proper bank relationships.
Sep 18, 2018

Financing The Gap

Did you know that a large disparity in your cash cycle can doom your business if you're not prepared? Sure can. Read on to learn more.
Sep 15, 2015

Not All Growth Is Good Growth

Production is booming, demand is high and you are humming along at full capacity, so you decide to take on more work. Just about the time you think business couldn’t get better … crash! Read on to find out what went wrong?
Mar 6, 2014

Are You Eligible To Expense Depreciable Business Assets?

Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 179 allows eligible taxpayers to elect to expense the cost of certain depreciable property in the tax year the property is placed in service. Basically, property that is eligible for the Section 179 deduction privilege includes most depreciable tangible personal property and software used in an active trade or business. … Continued
Sep 1, 2012

Low Real Estate Appraisals

Even if your business survived the recession, your property values definitely didn’t. You might think that your property values won’t impact your business until you’re ready to sell. But, did you know that they can affect your ability to refinance your mortgage or continue your line of credit? Beware the Loan to Value Ratio Many … Continued
Jun 22, 2009

Construction Tip: Allocating Indirect Costs to Your Jobs

Quick – how much is the contract job you’re working on costing you? Did you include the expenses you incurred for contract labor? equipment? fuel? If you didn’t, you may not really have a true picture of the cost of your job. Equipment and fuel are necessary to run your business and both are used … Continued
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